Monday, 9 September 2013

Chapter 9 - Everything I touch tumbles down.

Warning! Cute toddler spam!

The few days after Harmon had been to see Laura and their tryst in the shower, Laura started to feel sick. She had originally put it down to eating something bad, but the longer the sickness went on, the more Laura felt that the tryst had an undesired effect on her body. She wondered how she was going to deal with a soon to be toddler Garrett and a newborn if she was pregnant, so went snooping online to see if there were any others that were in the same boat. Her search soon found someone who had been in the same situation, and even said anyone could email them for advice. Laura jumped at the chance, shooting of an email before she even knew what she was doing.

A little squeak from Garrett in his swing pulled Laura out of her thoughts of Harmon, and the 'maybe baby'. Laura sent him a smile and made her way over to play with him for a while. Even if he was pregnant, it wouldn't be a bad thing to have Garrett and the baby be so close in age, would it?
"What would you say about a new baby brother or sister?" she asked him, earning a gurgle back. "No, of course you wouldn't mind, as long as you were still fed and clean."
Garrett looked her with his blue eyes, he was starting to look more and more like his father every day. Laura did not want the day that he started to ask questions about who his father was to come up, but she knew it would at some point.
"I hope you don't turn out like him," Laura said to him, pressing one of the buttons on the swing that set it off, "God help me if you do."

Her life was getting even more complicated as she lived on her own. She was still living on what she had saved, and living from day to day. She wouldn't let it get to her, and she was going to do her best for the 'maybe baby' and Garrett. They were her top priority, her own needs coming second. It wasn't until she noticed that Garrett has fallen asleep in his swing that she realised what time it had become. The nausea had eased somewhat, but she was starting to feel a lot more tired and sore than usual. From what she remembered when pregnant with Garrett, she was now 95 percent that she was expecting another baby. She moved Garrett from the swing and placed him back into his bed, before falling into a deep sleep herself.


Laura was sure that friend doll someone had sent Garrett in the post moved on its own. Every time she had been to the room, it was in a different position, including creepily staring over Garrett.
"Come on big boy, rise and shine," she sang, lifting him up and snuggling him tight. "We have a busy day today, since it's your birthday!"
Garrett cooed at her, clapping his chubby hands and giggling at the new found skill. Laura couldn't help the bubble of laughter that escaped her lips, though felt saddened that her oldest was growing up. It was going to be a small gathering of herself and Garrett, she had tried to message Isaac, but had been rudely told to get lost. 
"We don't need your daddy, do we? We're strong on our own," Laura whispered to Garrett, placing him on the floor when another wave of nausea rolled over her. "I'll be back in a minute to sort you out." Laura told him before dashing out of the room.

By the time Laura had come back, Garrett had ages into a toddler and sat clapping his hands to knees, liking the sound that they made.
"Well, look at you, aren't you my handsome boy!" Laura clapped her hands, bouncing on the spot. "We best get your skills sorted son, otherwise mummy will be bigger than a whale and not able to help you." 
Laura lifted Garrett up onto his feet, laughing slightly as he wobbled.
"Come to mummy," she eased, beckoning him with her hands. Garret took a tentative step, and then another one, and a third until he was back in his mothers arms. Laura kissed the top of of his head, smiling with pride at his first steps.

She also gave a head start to toilet training, placing him down on the potty and letting him do his business before letting him have full roam around the house. Garrett's first point of business was the peg box that Laura had left laying around, getting frustrated when the pegs wouldn't go through the right holes. Laura watched from a distance, waiting to see if he would manage it on his own. She filled with pride when he did, rubbing her stomach and wondering if her next baby would be just as easy to look after as Garrett had been.

It wasn't until after Garrett had thrown his fourth peg away from him that Laura deemed it was bedtime, scooping him up into her arms and cuddling him tight.
"Bedtime little man. It's been a long day for us both," she told him, earning a hug back and a small gurgle as a reply.

"Everything I touch tumbles down around me, I hope it isn't the same with my children," Laura whispered to herself as she turned off the light to Garrett's bedroom and fell into bed herself.

Well, there you have it.. 2nd baby on the way. I didn't even hear any chimes from the little tryst they had! The first I noticed was when I tried get her to do something that she had wished to do and it was greyed out with "Pregnant sims can't do this" then the feeling nauseas overnight, despite not eating..


yangthecat said...

Aw, Laura is working so hard at being a good mother! And now there's another on the way.

gemly_teddie said...

I don't get baby chimes either. Weird, isn't it?

Aw, Laura is really trying! I hope this person emails back and they can start a friendship, that will help her a lot.

Nirar said...

Awww, Laura is going to make a good mother. Yay for baby #2! =D

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